A School Trip From Bermuda Takes a Science Tour of Orlando

Often teachers will approach me with a general idea for a trip to a certain destination.…

Dance Classes Improve Test Scores and More

At the tail end of spring every year, my daughter’s school spends a week rehearsing, dancing…

Renaissance Science, Registered 21st Century Rebirth Document

This essay is the birth certificate of the 21st Century Renaissance. It shows how the life-science…

Classical Criminology and Human Nature

Classical criminology, and its recent expression in rational choice theory, does not cut slack in terms…

Opportunities Await for Musically Talented High School Students

There are many intriguing opportunities for high school students who play musical instruments. By the time…

Find Some Affordable Special Education Schools Online

Nowa­days, many peo­ple are in search of afford­able spe­cial edu­ca­tion schools, as these schools cater to…

Parenting Lessons From the Movie Blind Side

The movie Blind Side is inspirational and amazing. Sandra Bullock portrays Leah Anne the matriarch of…

Teaching High School Mathematics in the 21st Century

The latter years of the 20th century saw the development, in many countries, of universal secondary…

Coteaching Implementation

Even though it has been around for decades, coteaching is now emerging as one of the…

West Wind by Mary Oliver – Awesome Poems Regarding God’s Natural Creation and Nature

This is a wonderful book with a special and unique style of poetry. This is the…